Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nella Larsen Websites

Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 9: Nella Larsen " PAL: Perspectives in American Literature - A Research and Reference Guide. California State Unirversity. PBS.  December 22, 2010.  Web.  February 1, 2011.

This is a good website because the information is coming from a retired PHD professor Paul Reuben from California State University.   This website has been given many awards on being the best on Studysphere, Links to Literature, and many more.  If you click on homepage and then awards, you will see everything this page has achieved. 

This page starts off by telling you about the works of Nella Larsen.  The three she is most famous for are:  Passing, Sanctuary, and Quicksand.  It gives you a big bibliography to find more information on this subject that will help you.  The site then starts to give you a brief biography on Larsen’s life and
how hard her childhood was growing up with her family.  She was basically disowned because of the color she was, both white and black, and it she never felt comfortable or accepted.  She lived in many places, trying to fit in, and taught school.  She found the love of literature and writing.  It goes on by telling some awards she won and then how she was accused of plagerism on one of her writings.  She was told that she could never publish again which led to a devastating divorce.  It was rumored that she tried to kill herself by jumping out of a window, but it was never proven.  The page has citations to prove where the work has came from which leads us to believe it is true.  The domain is great as well coming from educated people.  You can also find other artists on this page by going to the alphabet list which is very helpful in other projects and assignments.  The site is useful in giving enough information to get you started on Nella Larsen, much background from the writer, and citations to prove the writing.

“Nella Larsen.”  University of Minnesota, Driven to Discover.  Voices From the Gap.  June 17, 2009. Web.  February 1, 2011.

This webpage has a lot of information and links to click to get the material that you need.  It has everything such as:  Biography and critism, selected bibliography, related links, contributors, short stories, novelists, novels, Harlem Renaissance, and more information on African Americans besides Nella. There are many contributors to this page that help out with their knowledge about Nella Larsen.  This website proceeds to tell Larsen’s life of her nursing career.  After writing her last novel, she went by Nella Larsen Imes, while living in Brooklyn as a nurse.  There was many rumors saying that she started to work up on two other novels, but not a word was published.  The site gives a selected bibliography about the author.

I clicked on the link under, related links, called Discovering Parallels to Nella Larsen.  It is a page written by Sushama Austin who decided to find out details about Nella Larsen because much was hidden and only known by Nella herself.  Even though the domain on this link is a .com, the information on Nella is the exact same as the other two pages I have cited.  This page is a lot about her experience on researching Nella as well.  Sushama went to the same college as Nella and that is where she started to get deep into her research.  I would recommend reading this page because an opinion on someone who was so interested in Nella is nice to hear. 


  1. I had never heard that they think Larsen tried to kill herself by jumping out of a window. Weird -- that is the way the main character in Passing dies, I think.

  2. i think thats really dumb that she wanted to kill herself even though she died of old age
